The practice of nutritious Steamed rolls
IngredientsFlour 400gSugar 10gYeast 4gCorn oil 20gWarm water 200gModerate amount of salt (3-4 g)Sc...
IngredientsFlour 400gSugar 10gYeast 4gCorn oil 20gWarm water 200gModerate amount of salt (3-4 g)Sc...
Health benefitsEggs: Moisturizing and dryingPeanut oil: delaying aging, antioxidant, anti-cancer a...
Health benefitsWinter melon: generating salivaShrimp skin: nourishing blood, protecting teeth, and...
Health benefitsPeanut oil: delaying aging, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-cancerIngredientsTwo...
Health benefitsMushroom: Protecting the nervous systemIngredientsModerate amount of mushroomModera...
Health benefitsTofu: Nourishing TofuGarlic sprouts: nourishing the liverDouban sauce: nourishing b...
Health benefitsFlammulina velutipes: low proteinEggs: Moisturizing and dryingIngredients350 grams...
Ingredients5 pieces of dried white beansAn appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper granulesOne teaspo...
Health benefitsApricot abalone mushroom: low proteinIngredients400g of Apricot Abalone Mushroom3 g...
Health benefitsFlammulina velutipes: low proteinCucumber: Low proteinIngredientsHalf a kilogram of...