The recipe for homemade salted chicken
Ingredients and materials1 piece of chicken breastModerate amount of gingerModerate amount of scal...
Ingredients and materials1 piece of chicken breastModerate amount of gingerModerate amount of scal...
Health benefitsChicken gizzard: nourishing bloodAuricularia auricula: anti-cancer and anti-cancerG...
Health benefitsSweet potatoes: tonifying the middle and nourishing qiIngredients and materials4 sw...
Health benefitsSoy sauce: nourishes blood, protects teeth, and protects bonesIngredients and mater...
Health benefitsGreen garlic: low proteinIngredients and materials3 pieces of konjac tofu7 pieces o...
Health benefitsPotatoes: and stomachBeans: low proteinIngredients and materials3 potatoesAppropria...
Health benefitsOily lettuce: low proteinIngredients and materials500g Oil Wheat VegetableModerate...
Health benefitsPotatoes: and stomachOily lettuce: low proteinCabbage: Clearing heat and detoxifyin...
Health benefitsPotatoes: and stomachIngredients and materials2 potatoesTomato sauce in moderationM...
Health benefitsHam: AppetizerEggs: Nourishing BloodIngredients and materials100g ham3 eggs4 scalli...