The recipe for crab roe tofu

xiaozuo reading:89 2024-06-19 09:34:19 comment:0

The recipe for crab roe tofu


1 box of internal fat tofu (340g)

3 fresh and salty egg yolks

2 scallions

Moderate amount of water starch powder

Moderate amount of salt

1 tablespoon of oil

1 bowl of high soup

The recipe for crab roe tofu

1. Main ingredients.


2. Cut the scallions into small chunks, and cut the tofu into 1.5cm chunks for later use.


3. Boil the fresh Salted duck egg and take the yolks for standby.


4. Use a spoon to press into mud.


5. Heat water in the pot, and when dense bubbles start to form, turn off the heat and add a spoonful of salt.


6. Add tofu and cook for 10 minutes. (Keep the fire low and keep the water in a seemingly non open state)


7. Pour the soup and water into the cooking bowl together.


8. Pour oil into a hot pot.


9. On medium to low heat, with an oil temperature of 40%, add salted egg yolk.


10. Stir fry until delicate and dense bubbles appear.


11. Add a bowl of broth.


12.Spoon in tofu and cook for 6-10 minutes.


13. Add water starch (you can try the salt flavor at this time and adjust it according to the taste. This recipe does not add any extra salt). Appropriate juice collection.


14. Turn off the heat and add the scallions.


15. Simply put it on a plate and serve it on the table.



1. The self-made Salted duck egg used in this recipe has a large yolk. If you directly use the finished salted egg yolk, you can add one dosage. 

2. Directly use the salted egg yolk you bought to steam or use the oven to cook a little high Baijiu) Bake it at 180 degrees for about 5 minutes. 

3. Salted egg yolks are already salty, so try the salt flavor before adding them as needed. 

4. Internal fat tofu is relatively fragile. Boiling it in half boiled salt water can increase its gluten and give it a base flavor.

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