The recipe for garlic sprouts and pickled vegetables

xiaozuo reading:47 2024-07-01 15:32:38 comment:0

The recipe for garlic sprouts and pickled vegetables

Health benefits

Garlic sprouts: anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Soy sauce: nourishing blood, protecting teeth, and protecting bones

White sugar: low protein


Garlic sprouts 1000g

Salt 350 grams

Soy sauce 250g

Vinegar 300g

50 grams of white sugar

Five star anise flowers

20 Sichuan peppercorns

The recipe for garlic sprouts and pickled vegetables

1. Remove the tail and head of garlic sprouts


2. Add salt and rub vigorously with your hands until the garlic sprouts become soft


3. Then pour it into a glass bottle without oil or water, add salt, vinegar, soy sauce, octagonal Sichuan pepper, and seal the lid tightly. Can be eaten after 7 days in the refrigerator


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