The recipe for chicken and vegetable stewed rice

xiaozuo reading:44 2024-07-02 13:30:07 comment:0

The recipe for chicken and vegetable stewed rice

Health benefits

Chicken: Eye Protection and Brightening

Carrots: Protect the eyes, brighten the eyes, fight cancer and prevent cancer

Tomatoes: generating saliva and quenching thirst


Chicken in moderation

1 carrot

1 green melon

1 tomato

A small amount of scallions

A small amount of chili peppers

The recipe for chicken and vegetable stewed rice

1. Prepare materials. Dice carrots and tomatoes.


2. Cut the chicken into strips, add soy sauce and a small amount of sugar. Marinate for half an hour.


3. Heat the oil pan and add chicken. Be sure to remove the chicken from the soy sauce before putting it into the pot, and do not pour the soy sauce into the pot.


4. Fry the chicken until both sides are golden brown


5. Finally, add scallions, carrots, green melons, and tomatoes and cook them together. Add a small amount of water and salt, and finally serve on a plate.



Be careful not to pour the soy sauce of marinated chicken into the pan and fry it together. For those who are more accustomed to a salty taste, you can wait until tomatoes, green melons, and carrots are added before pouring the soy sauce into the pan.

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