The recipe for cold mixed shredded beef tripe

xiaozuo reading:53 2024-07-09 08:34:36 comment:0

The recipe for cold mixed shredded beef tripe

Health benefits

Beef tripe: tonifying deficiency, strengthening spleen and stomach


400 grams of beef tripe

30g fresh scallions

Half an onion

Salt 3g

Vinegar 10g

Weidamei 5g

Chicken essence 5g

2 grams of dark soy sauce

10 grams of sesame oil

Fuel consumption of 10 grams

The recipe for cold mixed shredded beef tripe

1. Prepare ingredients


2. Shredded beef tripe


3. Shredded onions and chopped scallions


4. Pour all ingredients into a basin


5. Sauce pairing with dark soy sauce, vodka, salt, chicken essence, vinegar, oil consumption, and sesame oil


6. Pour the prepared juice into the ingredients and mix evenly with chopsticks


7. Dished for consumption


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