The recipe for sweet and sour chrysanthemum tofu

xiaozuo reading:42 2024-07-12 17:52:34 comment:0

The recipe for sweet and sour chrysanthemum tofu

Health benefits

White sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


A piece of Chiba Tofu

A little salt

50g tomato sauce

30 grams of white sugar

30 grams of white vinegar

A little cooking oil

Moderate amount of plain water

The recipe for sweet and sour chrysanthemum tofu

1 piece of Chiba Tofu


2. Cut into two pieces (as square as possible)


3. Borrow chopsticks and cut vertically first


4. Cut horizontally again


5. After cutting, sprinkle dry flour and apply evenly


6. Frying: Heat the wok and cool the oil. When the oil is 50-60% hot, add the cut tofu one by one and fry slowly over medium to low heat (the fried tofu looks like blooming chrysanthemums)


7. Fry one side in golden yellow and flip it over before frying the other side


8. Just fry both sides until golden brown


9. Take it out and put it on a plate for later use


10. Prepare the ingredients for the sweet and sour juice


11. Put less cooking oil in the hot pot and stir fry with tomato sauce until fragrant


12. Add white sugar, white vinegar, and plain water, then add a little salt


13. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat


14. Pour the sweet and sour juice evenly on the fried chrysanthemum tofu, and have a try. It's crispy, sour, sweet, and delicious.


15. Finished product drawings



Borrowing chopsticks makes it difficult to chop tofu into small pieces; Tofu needs to be deep fried and crispy to have a good taste.

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