The recipe for New Orleans crispy pork

xiaozuo reading:61 2024-07-13 08:24:55 comment:0

The recipe for New Orleans crispy pork


160 grams of tenderloin

1 bag of New Orleans style barbecue sauce

200g of yellow flour wrapped bran

100 grams of corn starch

1 egg

Moderate amount of edible oil

The recipe for New Orleans crispy pork

1. Prepare a New Orleans style barbecue sauce for later use


2. Cut the tenderloin into thumb sized diced pieces, put them in barbecue sauce, grab well, and marinate overnight


3.The next day, take out the meat and knock eggs in one bowl, starch in one bowl, and yellow bread crumbs in the other bowl, as shown in the picture


4. Wrap the meat chunks with starch, then egg mixture, and finally bread crumbs, as shown in the picture, which is very clear


5. The final wrapping is the state shown in the picture


6. Heat up the oil in the pot. First, put a piece of meat in it. If it can quickly float, you can put the meat in. At first, fry it over low and medium heat


7. Later on, when you see the shape and slight coloring, turn to high heat and fry until golden and crispy, as shown in the picture, then you can remove it


8. Remove and drain the oil! Done! While it's hot, crispy! It would be even better to pair it with tomato sauce!


9. Minru Delicious~New Orleans Flavored Crispy Pork~Finished Product Image



① This tenderloin can be replaced with chicken breast, but of course, pork must choose tenderloin because it is more tender

② If you don't have this barbecue sauce, you'll have to use New Orleans style marinade

③ The oil temperature must be turned on high when it is finally cooked, so that it can be fried crispy enough

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