The recipe for alcoholic peanuts

xiaozuo reading:38 2024-07-19 14:33:48 comment:0

The recipe for alcoholic peanuts

Ingredients and materials

500g peanuts

5g Sichuan peppercorns

5g dried chili shreds

6 grams of salt

10 grams of sugar

A little chili powder

The recipe for alcoholic peanuts

1. Wash the peanuts thoroughly and soak them for 2 hours in advance


2. Soak until it can be peeled off, as shown in the picture


3. After peeling, pack in a bag and freeze to harden


4. Remove directly during frying


5. Pour cold oil into peanuts and turn on low heat


6. Heat slowly over low heat and stir continuously


7. Fry until the color turns yellow and remove oil control


8. Prepare Sichuan peppercorns, shredded chili, and white sesame seeds


9. In another pot, add a little oil and stir fry Sichuan peppercorns until fragrant. Add chili, sesame, and peanuts and stir fry well


10. After stir frying, add salt and sugar


11. Add a little chili powder and stir fry evenly


12.After that, you can turn off the fire and complete it!


13. Minru Yi~Drunken Peanut~Finished Product Image



① Peanuts must be frozen and fried thoroughly in a pot

② The heat of the explosion should be low

③ The aroma of stir frying should also be fully prepared, and stir fry over low heat to create the fragrance of Sichuan peppercorns

④ Seal and store after cooling

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