The practice of Buddha jumps over the wall

xiaozuo reading:159 2024-03-06 09:30:46 comment:0

The practice of Buddha jumps over the wall

Health benefits

Abalone: Clearing Heat

Sea cucumber: nourishing blood

Fans: Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


5 abalone

Two sea cucumbers

5 pieces of flower glue

A small number of fans

Five seaweed balls

Five quail eggs

A chicken leg

Three small pieces of pork ribs

A broccoli plant

A small amount of bamboo shoots

Five shrimp

Three slices of ginger

Half a bowl of yellow wine

A teaspoon of salt

The practice of Buddha jumps over the wall

1. Prepare ingredients


2. After removing the blood foam from the chicken legs, chicken feet, and pork ribs, put them into a pressure cooker and add water from a clay pot. Boil for 20 minutes, during which time other ingredients can be processed


3. Boil the small white gelatin and ginger slices, then remove and soak in cold water for about 20 minutes. Cut the slices and clean the gelatin, as well as the fish oil and blood.


4. Winter Mushroom Soaked Hair


5. Soak vermicelli in soft soup


6. Boil and peel quail eggs, cut sea cucumber into sections


7. Place bamboo shoots, ginger slices, abalone shells (if made with dried abalone, they can be omitted), and seaweed balls on the bottom of the pot in sequence


8. Add broccoli (if you want it to be crispy, you can order it last), abalone, scallops, gelatin, vermicelli, sea cucumber, quail eggs, fresh shrimp, and shiitake mushrooms in sequence


9. Add high soup and half a bowl of Shaoxing yellow wine cooked in a pressure cooker, simmer over low heat for half an hour, and add a little salt before cooking. Do not cover the pot lid.


10. Plate placement: The soup is fresh and sweet, and abalone ginseng gelatin is a high-end tonic with a crispy, smooth and delicious taste. This is a dish for parents on Mid-Autumn Festival. I hope parents are healthy!



Abalone, ginseng, shark fin belly is one of the four supplements (shark fin has been replaced by vermicelli, and now the state advocates the protection of sharks). It is rich in high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which not only won't get fat, but also can nourish yin and kidney, fight cancer and prevent cancer, enhance and other health effects. Love parents must do a Buddha jumping over the wall for them.

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