The method of stir frying quail eggs with cumin aroma

xiaozuo reading:37 2024-07-24 14:31:44 comment:0

The method of stir frying quail eggs with cumin aroma

Health benefits

Quail eggs: nourishing qi

Red pepper: appetizing and digestive

Green pepper: lower qi

Ingredients and materials

10 quail eggs

Half a red pepper

Half green pepper

A small amount of cumin powder

A little salt and pepper

The method of stir frying quail eggs with cumin aroma

1. Fry quail eggs in a pan until they are cooked, remember to touch the oil a little


2. Fry until it reaches the solidified state in the diagram


3. The fried eggs should be cut into shreds, and the green and red peppers should also be cut into shreds


4. Add a little oil to a flat bottomed pan and stir fry with colored peppers until fragrant


5. Add the sliced quail eggs and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of salt and pepper


6. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of cumin powder again


7. Finished product drawings



① This dish can be used as a snack, suitable for children, during weight loss periods, or as a snack for binge watching dramas

② Don't put too much oil in this dish

③ Cumin powder mixed with salt and pepper is delicious

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