The recipe for stewed tofu with golden shrimp

xiaozuo reading:37 2024-07-25 09:23:05 comment:0

The recipe for stewed tofu with golden shrimp

Health benefits

Tofu: Detoxification

Jiang: Relieve nausea and vomiting, reduce phlegm and cough, dispel cold and relieve symptoms

Ingredients and materials

Tofu 250g

Crab flavored Mushroom 120g

8 large shrimps

3 salted egg yolks

1 scallion

1 slice of ginger

A little white pepper powder

Salt in moderation

1 small bowl of clear water

50g of water starch powder

Moderate amount of edible oil

The recipe for stewed tofu with golden shrimp

1. Cut tofu into small cubes, cut off the roots of crab flavored mushrooms, wash and drain for later use.


2. Steam the salted egg yolks in advance. I steamed them in a pressure cooker for five minutes, then took them out and crushed them into small pieces with a spoon.


3. Remove the head of the shrimp, then peel off the shell, open the back and take out the shrimp line to wash.


4. Boil water in the pot and add the prawns until they change color. Remove them immediately and set aside for later use. Do not wait too long to prevent the prawns from aging in taste.


5. Cut scallions and ginger into chopped scallions and shredded ginger, put a spoonful of cornstarch in a small bowl, then add water and stir evenly to form water starch.


6. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into a pot and heat it up to 50%. Then add shredded ginger and stir fry over low heat until fragrant. Finally, add shrimp heads and stir fry until the shrimp oil is fully cooked.


7. Then pour in the crushed egg yolk and stir fry over low heat until the yolk bubbles.


8. Pour a small bowl of water into the pot and bring to a boil, then add the crab flavored mushrooms and cook for about three minutes.


9. Add tofu and cook for another two minutes. Before serving, add the blanched shrimp and mix well.


10. Add salt and white pepper according to personal taste, then pour in water starch and stir evenly. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and turn off the heat.


11. A delicious and nutritious stewed tofu with golden shrimp is ready, and it's really delicious when mixed with rice!



Tofu can be tender and have a good taste. If you like more soup, add some water and seasoning according to your personal taste.

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