The recipe for sweet potato glutinous rice cake

xiaozuo reading:38 2024-07-27 12:29:53 comment:0

The recipe for sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Health benefits

Sweet potatoes: tonifying the middle and nourishing qi, widening the intestines and promoting bowel movements, and easily producing qi

Ingredients and materials

1 sweet potato

Appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour

1 tablespoon of white sugar

A little edible oil

The recipe for sweet potato glutinous rice cake

1. Peel and wash sweet potatoes thoroughly


2. Cut into slices and steam on a plate for more than ten minutes


3. Gently prick with chopsticks and it will be fully cooked


4. Add white sugar while it's hot


5. Use a spoon to press it into mud


6. When it's not hot, add glutinous rice flour one by one, and stir while adding until it becomes non sticky dough (I forgot to take this picture)


7. Divide the dough into evenly distributed small balls, then place them one by one in the palms of both hands and press them together until they are evenly distributed


8. Preheat the electric pancake pan and add a little cooking oil, then add sweet potato and glutinous rice cakes and start frying. Fry one side until golden brown and the other side until both sides are golden brown, then it's ready to serve


9. The sweet potato glutinous rice cake is fried, and the golden brown one is so appetizing.



Glutinous rice must be added in portions to make a dough that is not sticky to the hands. If it is too soft, the fried cake will not form, and if it is too hard, the fried cake will have a bad taste. If you don't like things that are too sweet, you can skip adding white sugar. Personally, I think adding white sugar has a better taste.

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