The method of chopping pepper, garlic, and okra

xiaozuo reading:34 2024-07-28 09:29:30 comment:0

The method of chopping pepper, garlic, and okra

Ingredients and materials

Huangqiu style 300g

Chop pepper and garlic in moderation

Half a bowl of cold boiled water in a large bowl

Moderate amount of scallions

Appropriate amount of rapeseed oil

The method of chopping pepper, garlic, and okra

1. After washing okra, cut off the stem


2. Put it in boiling water and cook it thoroughly


3. Prepare chopped peppers, garlic, and chopped scallions


4. Prepare cold boiled water


5. Take out the cooked okra and put it in cool boiled water, soak it until it cools completely


6. Remove and cut into two pieces, then place them in a dish


7. Heat up the pan and add oil. Add chopped peppers and garlic, stir fry until fragrant


8. Add a little water and bring to a boil


9. Drizzle onto okra


10. Finished product drawing



I made my own chopped chili and garlic meat, so I didn't add any other seasonings. I can freely give myself my favorite seasonings.

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