The method of dry frying lotus root sticks

xiaozuo reading:40 2024-08-01 13:31:53 comment:0

The method of dry frying lotus root sticks

Ingredients and materials

500g Lotus Root

3 grams of salt

Thirteen fragrant 2 grams

Egg white is the egg white of an egg

50g corn starch

800 grams of oil

The method of dry frying lotus root sticks

1. Wash and peel the lotus root.


2. Cut into long strips the thickness of a little finger.


3. Marinate with salt and thirteen spices for about an hour.


4. Pour out the water that has been marinated.


5. Add egg whites.


6. Add starch.


7. Stir evenly.


8. Heat up the oil (the oil temperature should be high), then pour in the lotus root stick.


9. Fry until golden brown and remove.


10. Stir fry over medium heat until crispy and remove.


11. Finished product!



1. When frying, the oil temperature should be slightly higher to make it crispy and delicious. When the oil temperature is low, it is easy to absorb oil and can be greasy when eaten.

2. Those who like to eat cumin flavor can also sprinkle cumin powder on fried lotus roots.

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