The recipe for Snow Bean Hoof Flower

xiaozuo reading:29 2024-08-02 08:32:22 comment:0

The recipe for Snow Bean Hoof Flower

Health benefits

Pig trotters: milk filled

Ingredients and materials

2 pig trotters

300 grams of snow beans

3 scallions

5 slices of ginger

4 cloves of garlic

High Baijiu 30g

Salt in moderation

Moderate amount of goji berries

The recipe for Snow Bean Hoof Flower

1. Soak snow beans 12 hours in advance


2. Cut each pig's foot into 6 pieces and clean them thoroughly


3. Put cold water into the pot, boil it, take it out and clean it thoroughly


4. After cleaning with warm water, control the water level


5. Put pig feet into a clay pot


6. Put in the soaked snow beans


7. Add ginger slices


8. Add garlic and chives, high Baijiu


9. Add warm water, the amount should be enough to foam the ingredients, and add enough at once


10. Cover the lid, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over medium heat for two hours


11.After opening the lid, take a look and the beautiful white soup comes out. Add an appropriate amount of salt to season. At this time, you can also add some goji berries


12. Serve it, mix some dipping materials, two spoons of soy sauce, half a spoonful of rice vinegar, white sesame, peanut chips, sesame oil, and some sesame oil. You can also add some pepper oil according to your own taste, and eat meat while drinking soup!


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