The method of stir frying meat with garlic sprouts and fungus

xiaozuo reading:31 2024-08-05 08:30:43 comment:0

The method of stir frying meat with garlic sprouts and fungus

Health benefits

Garlic sprouts: enhance immunity, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-cancer properties

Auricularia auricula: Delaying aging, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-cancer properties

Ingredients and materials

Garlic sprouts 300g

100g black fungus

Meat slices 50g

Appropriate amount of oil

Salt in moderation

Smoking in moderation

One egg white

A little starch

The method of stir frying meat with garlic sprouts and fungus

1. Marinate the sliced meat with egg white starch for 10 minutes, and soak the fungus in advance


2. Pour oil into the pot and stir fry the meat slices until they turn brown


3. Add garlic sprouts and stir fry for 3 minutes


4. Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce for coloring


5. Add the fungus and stir fry, then season with salt before serving


6. Plate installation


7. Simple, nutritious and delicious!



Remember to stir fry the garlic sprouts first, as they are not easy to cook, so the frying time is relatively longer.

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