How to make Xiaolongbao with mutton and radish

xiaozuo reading:28 2024-08-06 14:29:07 comment:0

How to make Xiaolongbao with mutton and radish

Health benefits

Lamb meat: enhances immunity, maintains skin and mucosal health

Ingredients and materials

300g lamb meat

200g dried radish

300 grams of flour

One scallion

5 grams of ginger

Thirteen fragrant 2 grams

2 grams of chicken essence

10 grams of cooking wine

8 grams of soy sauce

Old draw 5g

10 grams of sesame oil

3 grams of salt

Angel yeast 3g

How to make Xiaolongbao with mutton and radish

1.Soak dried radish in cold water overnight in advance.


2. Put it in the pot and cook for about 15 minutes, then remove and control the water.


3. Chop it into pieces


4. Chop lamb meat as well


5. Chop scallions and ginger into small pieces


6. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, thirteen spices, sesame oil, and salt.


7. Stir evenly.


8. Add the dried radish and stir together.


9. While adding water to the flour, stir it until it becomes fluffy.


10. Knead it into a smooth dough for fermentation.


11. The dough was found to be twice as large.


12. Divide into evenly distributed surfaces.


13.Roll it into a dough with a thick center and thin edges.


14. Hold the dough in your left hand and place the filling on top.


15. Pinch out the folds with your right hand.


16. Prepare the steamed buns properly.


17. Put it into the steamer for secondary steaming, steam for 20 minutes after the water boils. Turn off the heat and steam for another 3 minutes.


18. The fragrant buns are out of the pot!



In winter, the weather is cold and the dough ferments slowly. Putting warm water at around 30 degrees Celsius under the basin can accelerate the fermentation speed of the dough.

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