The method of stir frying meat with double pepper and fungus

xiaozuo reading:32 2024-08-07 10:25:16 comment:0

The method of stir frying meat with double pepper and fungus

Health benefits

Green pepper: nourishing liver

Red pepper: appetizing and digestive

Ingredients and materials

4 taels of lean meat

One green pepper

Moderate amount of scallions

Two liang of fresh fungus

One red pepper

A spoonful of salt

2 tablespoons oyster sauce

The method of stir frying meat with double pepper and fungus

1. Fresh fungus, sliced chili, chopped scallions, marinated meat with salt, sugar, starch, and oil.


2. Stir fry the chili peppers over high heat


3. Add the fungus and stir fry with a spoonful of salt until it breaks, then remove and set aside for later use


4. Stir fried lean meat


5. Stir fry until half cooked and add oyster sauce


6. Stir fry the chili and fungus together for one or two minutes.


7. Add chopped scallions and stir fry a few times before serving.


8.Let's start eating!



Meat is cooked quickly, usually after stir frying for one or two minutes, it will be fully cooked. If stir fried for a long time, it will no longer taste good. Stir fry the side dishes first, then stir fry the meat. This way, the meat will be tender and tender.

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