Practice of Fried Rice with Original Egg

xiaozuo reading:28 2024-08-09 14:29:41 comment:0

Practice of Fried Rice with Original Egg

Health benefits

Rice: Low protein

Cucumber: Low protein

Carrots: Clearing heat and detoxifying

Ingredients and materials

2 bowls of rice (400g)

30g cucumber

Carrots 20g

30 grams of corn kernels

1 gram of salt

1 egg

5 grams of scallions

40 grams of ham sausage

30g edible oil

Practice of Fried Rice with Original Egg

1. Prepare ingredients such as ham, cucumber, carrot, and chopped scallions for later use


2. Pour oil into the pot and bring to a low heat. Add chopped scallions, ham, and diced pork to stir fry until fragrant


3. Add rice and stir fry evenly


4. Scoop the rice around and put an egg in the middle


5. Fry the eggs until cooked, then stir fry them evenly with rice


6. Add corn kernels, diced cucumbers, and diced carrots and stir fry evenly


7. Add salt and stir fry evenly. Turn off the heat


8. Decorate the plate with carrot and cucumber carvings


9. Pour the rice into a bowl and press it firmly


10. Place it upside down on a plate and add a carrot flower as decoration at the top


11. Let's start eating now



1. Add vegetables and salt according to your taste, and you can also add chicken essence and other seasonings you like for seasoning.

2. My family has a small appetite, and rice is enough for two people. My son and husband eat just right.

3. There's nothing else to say. Once it's ready, eat it quickly. It won't be hot anymore, haha~

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