The method of chopping chili sauce and cooking tofu

xiaozuo reading:22 2024-08-17 10:31:26 comment:0

The method of chopping chili sauce and cooking tofu

Health benefits

Jiang: Relieve nausea and vomiting, reduce phlegm and cough, dispel cold and relieve symptoms

Ingredients and materials

500g North Tofu

50g chopped chili sauce

Moderate amount of corn starch

2 slices of ginger

3 cloves of garlic

1 onion

Moderate amount of edible oil

Sauce ingredients:

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 tablespoons of white vinegar

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 tablespoon corn starch

A little salt

About 80 milliliters of clean water

The method of chopping chili sauce and cooking tofu

1. Prepare the necessary ingredients and seasonings.


2. Wash and drain the tofu, then cut it into rectangular pieces.


3. Cut chopped scallions, garlic, and ginger separately for later use.


4. Coat the surface of the tofu chunks with a thin layer of corn starch.


5. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot and heat it to 70-80%, then drain the tofu chunks into the pot.


6. Fry both sides of the tofu chunks over low heat until golden brown, then remove and set aside for later use.


7. In a small bowl, add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, corn starch and a little salt, and stir well. Then add water and stir well, and the sauce is ready.


8. In the pan used for frying tofu, add ginger and minced garlic to the bottom oil and stir fry over low heat until fragrant. Then pour in chopped chili sauce and stir fry evenly.


9. Then add the fried tofu and stir fry evenly, pouring in the prepared sauce.


10. Stir fry over high heat until the sauce is collected. Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.


11. A delicious and flavorful braised tofu with chopped chili sauce is ready, simple yet delicious, worth a try!



Tofu should be chosen from northern tofu, which is relatively sturdy. When frying, it is coated with starch tofu, which is not easy to break, and it will also make the tofu taste better. The chopped chili sauce I use has a sweet and sour taste with only a slight spiciness, so I add a lot of it. This depends on the amount of chopped chili sauce I use, and the sauce can also be adjusted according to my own taste.

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