The method of making crispy meat

xiaozuo reading:26 2024-08-17 17:33:21 comment:0

The method of making crispy meat

Health benefits

Pork belly: nourishing blood

Octagonal: regulating qi, relieving pain, warming yang

Ingredients and materials

300g pork belly

20 grams of regular flour

10 grams of corn starch

Egg whites of two eggs

4 grams of salt

Thirteen fragrant 2 grams

10 grams of cooking wine

10 grams of soy sauce

5 grams of scallions

5 grams of ginger

Octagonal one

2 grams of chicken essence

The method of making crispy meat

1. Cut the pork belly into slices or strips, add salt, thirteen spices, cooking wine, and one egg white, stir well, and marinate for about half an hour.


2. Put the flour, starch, and egg white together in a bowl.


3. Stir into a batter without any lumps.


4. Pour it into the marinated meat.


5. Stir evenly with chopsticks.


6. Heat up 70% of the oil and don't put too much at once.


7. Fry until golden brown and remove.


8. Mix cooking wine, soy sauce, chicken essence, and white pepper powder to make the sauce.


9. Put the fried crispy meat into a bowl, add scallions, ginger, and star anise, then pour in the prepared sauce and steam in a steamer for about an hour.


10. After steaming, cover a plate.


11. Quickly pour the bowl and crispy meat onto the plate.


12. Uncover the bowl and complete the delicious crispy meat production.



1. For fried crispy meat, it is advisable to choose meat that is both fat and thin. If it is too thin, it will be eaten with firewood, and if it is too fat, it will be eaten with greasiness.

2. After steaming the crispy meat, it should be quickly poured over to prevent the soup from spilling out, and be careful not to scald your hands.

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