Recipe for Spicy Dried Shrimp

xiaozuo reading:22 2024-08-18 13:30:37 comment:0

Recipe for Spicy Dried Shrimp

Health benefits

Potatoes: reduce swelling

Dutch beans: promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis

Mushrooms: dispelling wind

Ingredients and materials

1 potato

100g Dutch beans

4 shiitake mushrooms

1 lettuce root

Shrimp 500g

Half a square leg

2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce

Sugar 2g

A little scallion

Pixian Douban Sauce 40g

Hot pot base 30g

Garlic 8 pieces

10g Sichuan peppercorns

15g cooking wine

5 slices of ginger

4 chili peppers

Recipe for Spicy Dried Shrimp

1.The hotpot base of this brand I bought has a good taste!


2. Wash vegetables thoroughly, cut onions into small pieces, potatoes into strips, lettuce into a rolling cutter, square legs into thin slices, and prepare other seasonings.


3. First, boil the potatoes, lettuce, Dutch beans, and mushrooms in hot water. Dutch beans can change color, potatoes take a little longer, 2-3 minutes.


4. Heat up the pot and add a little more oil than stir fry.


Cut scallions, ginger, garlic, Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, and saut é e

5. After bursting, pour in Pixian Douban and hotpot seasoning


6. Stir fry over medium to low heat until the hot pot base melts.


7. Pour in the shrimp and stir fry


8. Stir fry until the color changes, then pour some cooking wine along the edge of the pot


9. Pour in onions, square legs, and vegetables, stir fry evenly


10. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce for seasoning


11. Add a little white sugar to enhance the freshness, stir fry well.


12.The fragrant and spicy dried shrimp pot is ready, let's start!


13. The spicy and slightly sweet base shrimp is delicious!


14. Can't stop one after another!



1. Various vegetarian dishes can be added according to personal preferences. Lettuce, Dutch beans, potatoes, very delicious. Oh, sweet potatoes are also great! 2. The oil should be slightly more than usual when stir frying, and the spiciness should be adjusted according to personal preference.

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