How to make fresh shrimp Fried white radish patty (baby's complementary food)

xiaozuo reading:23 2024-08-24 13:30:13 comment:0

How to make fresh shrimp Fried white radish patty (baby's complementary food)

Health benefits

White Radish: Low Qi

Ingredients and materials

100g white radish

20 grams of flour

100 grams of shrimp

Moderate amount of ginger

Practice of fresh shrimp Fried white radish patty (baby's complementary food)

1. Cut ginger into shreds, brew with boiling water, and cool to room temperature


2. Remove the head, tail, shell, and shrimp line from fresh shrimp, put them in ginger water, soak for ten minutes, and remove the fishy smell


3. Peel and cut white radish into pieces


4. Heat the pot with water, pour in white radish after the water boils, blanch for two minutes (repeated twice)


5. Remove the white radish and drain the water


6. Pour fresh shrimp and radish chunks into the blender and stir evenly


7. Pour the flour into the shrimp paste and stir evenly


8. Brush a layer of oil on the bottom and sides of the mold, pour in shrimp paste, and smooth the surface


9. Put cold water into the pot, cover with a plate, steam over high heat for 15 minutes


10. After cooling and demolding, cut it into pieces at will and give it to the baby to eat



White radish contains mustard oil with a spicy flavor, and repeated blanching can reduce the spiciness. There are two black lines inside the shrimp, which are the digestive tract of the shrimp. There are undigested residues inside, and mothers need to clean them up. Babies who are not allergic to eggs can also use eggs instead of flour for richer nutrition. The endless shrimp cake can be frozen and eaten in three days. When cooking Congee or noodles, you can put a little fresh.

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