The practice of red bean and black rice porridge

xiaozuo reading:121 2024-03-10 09:28:09 comment:0

The practice of red bean and black rice porridge

Health benefits

Red beans: clearing heat and detoxifying

Black rice: dilates blood vessels, protects the nervous system, maintains skin and mucosal health

Peanuts: Brain strengthening, intellectual enhancement, eye protection, and bright vision


50 grams of red beans

50 grams of black rice

Peanuts 20g

10 red dates

Moderate amount of brown sugar

Moderate amount of water

The practice of red bean and black rice porridge

1. Prepare all the ingredients.


2. Soak red beans, black rice, and peanuts 12 hours in advance.


3. Wash the red dates and cut them in half to remove the core. This way, it is less likely to catch fire when eating and does not require spitting out the core.


4. Pour the soaked water into the pot, put the soaked black rice, red beans and peanuts into the rice cooker, and put the seedless red dates into the pot. Add proper amount of water, the ratio of thick Congee rice to water is about 1:4, and the ratio of porridge is 1:5.


5. Turn on the electric rice cooker to cook Congee for 1 hour.


6. Mix brown sugar suitable for your taste into Congee. Just cover the pot and simmer for a few minutes.


7. Fill a bowl and enjoy it beautifully!



1. Soak black rice in water for one day and night in summer, and two days and nights in winter. The washing frequency should be reduced, and the water used to soak the rice should be boiled together with the rice to preserve its nutrients.

2. Remove the core of red dates to prevent them from getting too hot.

3. The ratio of thick Congee rice to water is about 1:4, and the ratio of porridge is 1:5.

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