The recipe for Hebei Sweet and Sour Four Happiness Meatballs

xiaozuo reading:20 2024-08-28 14:32:44 comment:0

The recipe for Hebei Sweet and Sour Four Happiness Meatballs

Health benefits

Lotus root: stops diarrhea, strengthens the spleen

White sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Tomato sauce: anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Ingredients and materials

Meat filling 200g

Lotus root 80g

One egg

A little chopped scallion

A small amount of ginger powder

Old smoke a little

Thirteen fragrances, a little

Salt in moderation

Moderate amount of white sugar

A little white vinegar

Tomato sauce in moderation

Moderate amount of bitter chrysanthemum

Moderate amount of water

Moderate amount of starch

The recipe for Hebei Sweet and Sour Four Happiness Meatballs

1. Prepare the ingredients as shown in the picture, preferably a three fat and seven thin meat filling


2. Add dark soy sauce, salt, thirteen spices, and starch to mix the meat filling. Stir the meat filling in one direction and stir vigorously


3. Rub Rice-meat dumplings with water, so they won't stick to your hands, about 50g


4. Heat the oil and then deep fry it in the pan, slowly fry it on low heat until the surface is golden, and the Rice-meat dumplings are thoroughly cooked


5. Put a little oil in the pot, pour in water, white sugar, white vinegar, tomato sauce starch to make a sweet and sour sauce, and simmer until thick


6. Pour the boiled sweet and sour sauce onto the fried meatballs and sprinkle with chopped scallions



Heat: The Rice-meat dumplings are big, so you need to fry them slowly on a low fire to make them ripe.

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