The method of making cold stir fried jellyfish heads

xiaozuo reading:18 2024-09-04 12:29:59 comment:0

The method of making cold stir fried jellyfish heads

Health benefits

Jellyfish Head: Eye Protection, Eye Improvement, Anti cancer and Anti cancer Effects

Carrots: invigorate the spleen

Ingredients and materials

Jellyfish Head 100g

Half a cucumber

Half a carrot

Half a spoonful of sugar

1 tablespoon vinegar

A little chicken essence

The method of making cold stir fried jellyfish heads

1.Soak the jellyfish head in clean water for half a day first


2. Cut cucumber and carrot into shreds


3. Add an appropriate amount of salt to the cucumber and marinate to remove moisture


4. Cut the jellyfish head into thin slices


5. Add sugar and vinegar to the jellyfish head and stir


6. Squeeze the dried cucumber shreds and add them to the jellyfish head


7. Add carrot shreds again


8. Finally, add an appropriate amount of chicken essence and stir evenly


9. It's done beautifully!



Jellyfish head is a pickled food that is quite salty. It must be soaked for a period of time to dilute the salt inside. You can pour sesame oil and add sesame oil according to your own taste.

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