The recipe for coconut milk toast

xiaozuo reading:172 2024-03-11 11:26:16 comment:0

The recipe for coconut milk toast

Health benefits

Eggs: Protect the eyes and brighten the eyes

Butter: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


High powder 320g

Water 70g

Milk 100g

Milk powder 20g

1 egg

Sugar 70g

Salt 3g

Yeast 5g

Butter 30g

Milk (10g left) coated with bread surface 30g

Coconut Rong 15g

Sugar 10g

The recipe for coconut milk toast

1. Pour flour into a bowl, add all ingredients except butter, knead into a dough for 15 minutes, and then add butter.


2. Continue kneading the dough until the butter is completely absorbed, then knead for another 15 minutes. Cover with a warm cloth and let it ferment.


3. Ferment to twice the size and knead the dough for 10 minutes to fully vent the air.


4. During the fermentation period, mix 20g of milk, sugar, and coconut in the excipients. Place the dough on the panel, use a rolling pin to roll it into blocks, spread milk and coconut on top, and make sure to leave the edges not to cover them up, so that they can be closed.


5. Then roll up from one side of the coconut paste and press it tightly at the opening.


6. Put it into the toast box and let it ferment.


7. Ferment until the toast box is 80% full, then apply a thin layer of milk from the ingredients on the surface of the bread. Then put it into the second layer under the oven and bake at 160 degrees for 35 minutes.


8. After baking, take it out and let it cool before demolding.


9. Slice according to your own method of consumption.



*Milk can slow down the baking process and help the bread evaporate moisture, maintaining a softer texture.

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