The recipe for cocoa two color toast

xiaozuo reading:158 2024-03-13 09:12:01 comment:0

The recipe for cocoa two color toast

Health benefits

Butter: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Cocoa powder: anti-cancer and anti-cancer


250g of high gluten flour

25 grams of white sugar

Salt 5 grams

Milk powder 8g

Butter 18g

Eggs 15 grams

Yeast 5 grams

150 grams of water

Cocoa powder 10g

Water (for cocoa powder) 25ml

The recipe for cocoa two color toast

1. Except for butter and cocoa powder, mix all materials evenly and knead until a thick film can be pulled out.


2. Add butter and knead until complete


3. Add water to cocoa powder and stir until there is no dry powder


4. Divide 150 grams of dough into cocoa paste and knead well.


5. Put them into two large bowls and ferment until 2.5 times larger. Remove the exhaust and let it relax for 15 minutes. Roll them into rectangular patches separately. The width is narrower than the mold. Cocoa noodles pressed on top of plain noodles


6. Roll up from top to bottom. Put the mouth facing downwards into the mold


7. Put a bowl of hot water in the oven to increase temperature and humidity. In winter, the oven fermentation function can be turned on. Ferment until 8 minutes full.


8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The bottom layer. About 35 minutes. Color and cover with tin foil midway. After baking, demold and cool.



Cocoa paste can be mixed with dough by cutting the dough into small pieces and then mixing, which makes it easier to knead well.

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