The recipe for making bean paste buns

xiaozuo reading:167 2024-03-13 09:29:06 comment:0

The recipe for making bean paste buns


2 pounds of flour

Appropriate amount of Red bean soup filling

Yeast powder 2 small spoons

Moderate amount of warm water

2 liang of white sugar

The recipe for making bean paste buns

1. Prepare the flour, add white sugar and sieve it


2. Take a small amount of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of yeast to dissolve, let it stand for five minutes. The water used to dissolve the yeast should not be too high, around 30 degrees Celsius is good


3. Then add yeast water and stir with chopsticks while pouring. Do not add it all at once, add slowly. If not enough, you can add some warm water.


4. Then make the dough into a ball


5. Then smooth the dough into a ball, cover it with a lid, and let it ferment until it is twice the size.


6. Fermented noodles, twice the size, will have a honeycomb shape when opened multiple times.


7. Then completely rub out the bubbles in the noodles again, make them into long strips, and use a knife to cut them open without any small holes


8. Then divide the dough into small pieces, accidentally deleting this photo, and flatten it


9. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough thinly


10. Pretty good Red bean soup filling


11. Wrap in Red bean soup


12. Then close the mouth


13. Closing downwards


14. Then brush a layer of oil on the shelf to prevent sticking, and arrange the buns one by one


15. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, put the steamed buns on top and steam them over high heat until they have evaporated. Then cover the lid and steam them over medium heat for 20 minutes


16. After steaming, open the lid every five minutes and then take out the steamed buns. The buns are a bit soft, but it doesn't affect them. They are still so soft and delicious



It is best to use water to dissolve yeast at around 30 degrees Celsius. If it gets hot, it will scald the yeast and prevent it from rising.

I have previously uploaded a recipe for making bean paste filling. You can follow me to find it.

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