How to make brown sugar Mantou

xiaozuo reading:148 2024-03-14 08:59:02 comment:0

How to make brown sugar Mantou


500 grams of flour

100 grams of brown sugar

About 250 grams of water

Yeast 5 grams

How to make brown sugar Mantou

1. Prepare all materials.


2. Dissolve brown sugar in boiling water, sieve to remove residue, and let it warm.


3. Put flour and yeast into a bowl, slowly pour in brown sugar water, and stir with chopsticks while pouring brown sugar water until there is no water.


4. Use your hands to soften the dough into a smooth texture.


5. Cover or ferment with plastic wrap until twice the size.


6. Prepare the steamer, add some water and cold water, and brush a thin layer of oil on the surface of the steamer to prevent Mantou from sticking to the steamer.


7. Reknead the fermented dough evenly and create bubbles.


8. Roll the dough into thin slices.


9. Then roll it up again.


10. Cut into evenly sized portions with a knife. Gently hold the dough with your hands and try to smooth it out.


11. Put the Mantou germ on the oiled steaming plate and wake up for about 30 minutes.


12. After the Mantou has grown a circle, cover the pot and start steaming with cold water. Steam for 15 minutes after steaming, turn off the heat for about 5 minutes before opening the lid of the pot.


13. Steamed brown sugar Mantou


14. Beauty photos


15. Another picture



When the dough first starts to ferment, it's okay to knead it unevenly. After fermentation, knead evenly.

If there are bubbles on the surface during rolling, you can use a toothpick to remove them.

The temperature is relatively low now. When you wake up, you must look around before steaming.

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