The method of baking pumpkin strips with egg yolk

xiaozuo reading:13 2024-09-21 12:25:07 comment:0

The method of baking pumpkin strips with egg yolk

Ingredients and materials

Appropriate amount of pumpkin tail

2 cooked duck egg yolks

A little white sugar

Moderate amount of cornstarch

The method of baking pumpkin strips with egg yolk

1. Cut the pumpkin into strips and put it in the pot. Take out some water and drain it


2. Press the cooked Salted duck egg yolk with a spoon or scraper to crush it.


3. Sprinkle cornstarch on the pumpkin strips and mix well. I use chopsticks to grip the edge and spin it with powder


4. Heat a little oil in a flat bottomed pan and coat it with flour. Fry pumpkin strips over low heat until golden brown. If you want crispy ones, fry them for a while longer


5. After frying the pumpkin, remove it and add a little oil. Put the crushed egg yolk and a little white sugar into the pan and stir fry until frothy. Quickly add the pumpkin strips and stir fry to start the pan


蛋黄焗南瓜条的做法图解66. Boiling the egg yolk solution slightly will make it thicker and frost will stick on the pumpkin strips. The time cannot be longer than a minute.

Do less at once, haha. When losing weight, pay attention to calories

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