The method of frying bananas

xiaozuo reading:9 2024-09-25 12:34:00 comment:0

The method of frying bananas

Health benefits

Bananas: Low protein

Eggs: Nourishing Blood

Ingredients and materials

A banana

Instant oatmeal in moderation

Three eggs

Appropriate amount of pea starch

Moderate amount of corn oil

The method of frying bananas

1. Banana thin skin


2. Mix the eggs evenly


3. Add appropriate starch and mix well


4. At the same time, heat the pot, pour oil, and heat it to 70-80%


5. Put the banana into the evenly mixed starch egg mixture and roll it around


6. Then put it in instant cereal and roll it around!


7. Fry in oil until color changes


8. This is fried with added cereal


9.This is fried with pure starch egg mixture, it's all delicious!



Adding cereal is more suitable for adults, while not adding cereal is preferred by children

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