The method of steaming eggplant in a raincoat

xiaozuo reading:1 2024-09-30 16:31:57 comment:0

The method of steaming eggplant in a raincoat

Ingredients and materials

One long eggplant

A large garlic seed

Five Xiaomi Pepper

Two small spoons of meat sauce

One green garlic leaf

vegetable oil

Steamed fish oil


The method of steaming eggplant in a raincoat

1. Use chopsticks to cut the eggplant into a swallowtail shape.

清蒸蓑衣茄子 (快手菜)的做法图解1

2. Evenly plate in a basin and sprinkle a little salt.

清蒸蓑衣茄子 (快手菜)的做法图解2

3. Heat up the wok and add cold oil. Add chopped garlic, millet pepper, and two spoons of meat sauce. Stir fry until fragrant in the wok. Pour evenly over the eggplant and steam in the boiling wok for ten minutes.

清蒸蓑衣茄子 (快手菜)的做法图解3

4.After ten minutes, sprinkle with green garlic leaves, turn off the heat, cover with a lid for one minute, and use the remaining heat to let out the fragrance of the garlic leaves.

清蒸蓑衣茄子 (快手菜)的做法图解4

5. Finished products have been delivered. The key to Kwai in a few minutes is to have good looks and eat again.

清蒸蓑衣茄子 (快手菜)的做法图解5


When stir frying garlic and spicy millet, there is slightly more oil because eggplants absorb oil. If the oil is too much, eggplants will not taste good. Steaming in boiling water produces a beautiful purple red color. Meat sauce depends on your taste. Mushroom sauce, beef sauce, Lao Gan Ma and so on are all very good.

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