Preparation of Job's tears and winter melon rib soup

xiaozuo reading:168 2024-03-20 15:35:20 comment:0

Preparation of Job's tears and winter melon rib soup

Health benefits

Winter melon: diuretic

Job's tears: clearing heat

Pork ribs: tonifying the kidneys


1 piece of winter melon

Job's tears 1 small bowl

Half a kilogram of pork ribs

A little ginger

Half a Root of Scallion

Moderate amount of salt

1 small handful of scallions

Moderate amount of chicken essence

Preparation of Job's tears and winter melon rib soup

1. Half a pound of pork ribs, wash and set aside.


2. Boil a pot of water for later use.


3. Set aside a piece of winter melon.


4. A bag of Job's tears for later use.


5. Slice ginger and scallions for later use.


6. Put the pork ribs into a hot water pot and add ginger, scallions, and water.


7. Job's tears, pork ribs, add to the electric cooker, set time for 2 hours.


This picture shows the process of adding pork ribs before they were added. When it's time, everyone can boil the water soaked pork ribs and Job's tears together for two hours.

8.Add winter melon when there is half an hour left. After cooking for half an hour.


9. Take out the pot and serve in a soup bowl.


10. Rendering.


11. Here is another finished product image.



The trick is to make sure to fly water to remove the fishy smell from pork ribs.

When boiling soup, add water in the middle and be sure to add boiling water.

3. Job's tears can be soaked in water in advance to make it easier to cook.

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