The recipe for Hangzhou pepper beef fillet

xiaozuo reading:188 2024-02-22 14:40:54 comment:0

The recipe for Hangzhou pepper beef fillet

Health benefits

Eggs: Moisturizing and drying

Cooking wine: low protein


300g beef fillet

Hangjiao 50g

30g Scallion, Ginger, and Garlic

1 egg

Salt 5 grams

15 grams of oyster sauce

15 grams of cooking wine

Chicken Juice 10g

10 grams of white sugar

Starch 10g

5 grams of dark soy sauce

The recipe for Hangzhou pepper beef fillet

1. Wash the beef tenderloin, open it in the middle, and cut it into 3mm thick pieces with a top knife.


2. Slice scallions, ginger, and garlic, wash and remove the stem and fascia with Hangzhou pepper, and cut into diamond shaped slices.


3. Wash the cut beef tenderloin with blood and water, put it into a container, add 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, and 5 grams of cooking wine. Beat vigorously, add 1 egg, 10 grams of starch, and pickle for 20 minutes.


4. Put 300 grams of salad oil in the pot and heat it over high heat until it reaches 70% heat. When there is a large amount of smoke rising from the oil surface, add marinated beef tenderloins and quickly disperse. When the meat is slightly rolled, remove and set aside.


5. Use hot leftover oil to blanch the chopped Hangzhou peppers, remove and control the oil for later use.


6. Put 15 grams of salad oil in the pot and heat it over high heat until 70% hot. When there is a large amount of smoke rising on the oil surface, add 10 grams of cooking wine and stir fry until fragrant. Add 15 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of chicken juice, and 10 grams of white sugar.


7. Put in the smooth beef tenderloin and Hangzhou pepper, stir fry over high heat for 2 minutes, let the excess juice fully wrap around the meat, and then remove from the pot.


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