The method of steaming shrimp with garlic vermicelli

xiaozuo reading:129 2024-03-23 15:39:56 comment:0

The method of steaming shrimp with garlic vermicelli

Health benefits

Fans: Nourishing blood and low protein

White sugar: low protein

Red pepper: appetizing and appetizing


Fresh shrimp 500g

100g of fans

Moderate amount of light soy sauce

Moderate amount of white sugar

Moderate amount of salt

Moderate amount of yellow wine

Appropriate amount of white pepper powder

Moderate amount of high soup

Scallion 10g

Garlic 50g

Red pepper 5g

Moderate amount of oil

The method of steaming shrimp with garlic vermicelli

1. 500g fresh shrimp.


2. Wash fresh shrimp, cut off the whiskers and legs, use scissors to open the back a bit and take out the shrimp line (which is also more flavorful). Arrange it neatly in a circular plate.


3. Fans soak their hair in cold water for 30 minutes in advance and cut it into two pieces with scissors.


4. Lay the vermicelli at the bottom of the plate, and lay the neatly arranged shrimp on the surface of the vermicelli upside down.


5. Chop garlic into mince, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon yellow wine, 1 teaspoon white sugar, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper powder, and 1/3 teaspoon refined salt. Put them into a bowl and mix the sauce. Heat up the wok with oil and stir fry a portion of the garlic until fragrant, leaving a portion (when stir frying the garlic, stir fry the garlic until it has a golden color for the fragrance to come out, and finally add some high soup or water to make the garlic more juicy, so that it can be dripped on the shrimp and vermicelli). Pour in the prepared sauce and bring it to a boil. You can taste the sweetness and saltiness of the prepared sauce first.


6. Pour the cooked seasoning over the open back of the shrimp and the vermicelli with a spoon.


7. Boil water in the pot (SAIC) and put the shrimp plate in.


8. Steam over medium heat for 4 minutes and simmer for 2 minutes.


9. Take out the shrimp dish.


10. Cut red peppers and scallions and stir well, then sprinkle into a shrimp plate.


11. Heat another tablespoon of oil in the pot and drizzle it over the surface of the scallions.


12. Steamed shrimp with garlic vermicelli is done.



Steamed shrimp must be fresh and clean, as stale shrimp can easily produce a fishy odor. Finally, sprinkle hot oil on the scallions to stimulate their fragrance, and this step is essential.

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