The method of steaming sea fish

xiaozuo reading:132 2024-03-24 17:48:59 comment:0


Health benefits

Perch: eye protection, anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Jiang: Reduce nausea and vomiting, dissolve phlegm and cough, dispel cold and relieve external symptoms


A piece of sea bass

A scallion root

A piece of ginger

Moderate amount of edible oil

Steamed fish and soy sauce in moderation

Moderate amount of cooking wine

The method of steaming sea fish

1. Scrape the scales, remove the cheeks, and wash the fish, especially the black film in the stomach. Be sure to tear it off and wash it clean.


2. Dry the cleaned fish, cut the flower blades on both sides, and spread evenly with cooking wine, both inside and outside.


3. Cut ginger slices and insert a slice of ginger into each flower blade.


4. Cut scallions and ginger into shreds and stuff them into fish maw.


5. Add water to the pot, put in a fish plate, bring to a boil over high heat, and steam for 10 minutes after the water boils.


6. After turning off the heat, do not open the lid of the pot, let it sit for five minutes, take out the fish plate, and pour out the soup from the plate. Pick out the scallions and ginger inside and discard them. Cut the scallions and sprinkle them on the fish.


7. Heat up the wok again, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, heat up the oil, then pour in steamed fish soy sauce, add a small amount of water, and stir with chopsticks while cooking. Bring the soup to a slight boil.


8. Pour the cooked soup onto the shredded scallions on the fish body. Eat while it's hot!



1. Don't buy fish that is too big, about one pound is enough, it's not easy to cook if it's too big.

2. Be sure to eat it hot, as the meat will harden and the taste will not be delicious when it cools down.

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