The recipe for steamed cod

xiaozuo reading:131 2024-03-25 08:36:30 comment:0

The recipe for steamed cod

Health benefits

Cod: eye protection, anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Pepper powder: nourishing blood, protecting teeth, and protecting bones


1 piece of cod

Half a tablespoon of vegetable oil

Steamed fish and soy sauce 20ml

Pepper powder in small amounts

2 drops of oyster sauce

Ginger 5g

Moderate amount of scallions

Scallion 1 small section

Half a lemon

The recipe for steamed cod

1. Prepare ingredients: One piece of cod, remove scales and wash thoroughly. Half a lemon, a small section of scallion, an appropriate amount of scallion, and 5 grams of ginger.


2. Cut the scallions into small pieces, tear some of the scallions into thin shreds, and shred the ginger.


3. Spread two-thirds of the ginger shreds in the middle of the plate, and then spread the scallions on top.


4. Place the cod on top of the seasoning.


5. Sprinkle a small amount of pepper evenly on top of the cod.


6. Squeeze a small amount of lemon juice and pour it over the cod.


7. Put an appropriate amount of water into the pot, with a height difference of one centimeter between the water and the steaming rack. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat.


8. Let the water in the pot boil, open the lid and add the seasoned cod. Cover it and steam over high heat for eight minutes.


9. Put 20 milliliters of steamed fish soy sauce and 2 drops of oyster sauce into a small bowl, stir well, and add the remaining one-third of ginger shreds.


10. Eight minutes have passed, open the lid and take out the steamed cod.


11. Put the cod and the bottom accessories together into another plate. Drizzle half of the steamed fish sauce just now, and then drizzle with the prepared soy sauce.


12. Put shredded ginger on top of the cod.


13. Then put in the shredded scallions.


14. Heat up a wok, pour in half a tablespoon of vegetable oil, cook until 80% hot, and pour the hot oil over the cod.


15. Steamed cod completed.


16. Decorating with small green peppers is even more tempting!



Steamed fish sauce is the best seasoning, don't remove it all! If all the fish juice is removed, the cod you eat only has a strong soy sauce flavor. Cod has high nutritional value and is especially suitable for children who are growing.

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