The method of steaming pork ribs with Sichuan style noodles

xiaozuo reading:117 2024-03-25 12:27:08 comment:0

The method of steaming pork ribs with Sichuan style noodles

Health benefits

Purple Potato: Nourishing Spleen, Benefiting Qi, Broadening Intestine and Promoting bowel movements

White sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


400g pork ribs

About 150 Rice noodles

Purple sweet potato in moderation

Moderate amount of starch

Moderate amount of cooking wine

Slight light soy sauce

Moderate amount of table salt

Ginger powder in moderation

Scallions and chopped scallions in moderation

A little white sugar

Chili sauce around 15

Appropriate amount of vegetable oil

Moderate amount of monosodium glutamate

Moderate amount of water

Garlic powder in moderation

An appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper noodles

The method of steaming pork ribs with Sichuan style noodles

1. Cut pork ribs into pieces, soak for about 20 minutes, wash and control the moisture. Set aside.


2. Add starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce, a little salt, ginger powder, and scallions together with the pork ribs seasoning. Let it stand for about 30 minutes to taste, set aside.


3. Finished product drawings with good materials.


4. Rice noodles.


5. Add an appropriate amount of water to mix.


6. Mix the well seasoned pork ribs together, add a little Sichuan pepper noodles and mix well. Wait for the water to add until it is suitable. The water in the picture is still insufficient and needs to be sufficient!


7. Stir fry chili sauce. Pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the pot and bring to a boil. Add spicy sauce and stir fry until cooked


8. Add chili sauce to the mixed product and mix well.


9. Mixed finished product.


10. Use a steamer as the base dish (you can add it if you like or not).


11. Pour the mixed finished product into a steamer and steam for about 1 hour.


12.Steam over high heat for about 20 minutes, then steam over low heat for about 1 hour. Sprinkle minced garlic and scallions on the surface to enjoy. (A steamer with a diameter of about 22cm, which is ready to be steamed and presented directly to everyone)



The main points to note in this dish recipe are

1. The key lies in the coordination of water volume

2. Control of salt content in pork rib seasoning

3. Stir frying of spicy sauce

4. Don't forget the combination of minced garlic and steamed meat, it's great!

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