The method of steaming eggplant with garlic paste

xiaozuo reading:102 2024-03-25 16:33:33 comment:0

The method of steaming eggplant with garlic paste

Health benefits

Eggplant: clearing heat

Vinegar: Detoxification


2 eggplants

3-5 cloves of garlic

1 onion

1 small spoonful of chopped peppers

A little salt

A little white sugar

A little peanut oil

A few drops of sesame oil

Moderate amount of light soy sauce

Vinegar in moderation

The method of steaming eggplant with garlic paste

1. Wash the eggplant, add all 4 pieces, and steam it in a steamer


2. Just insert the chopsticks and it will penetrate, about 15-20 minutes


3. Take it out and tear it into thin strips with chopsticks, let it cool, and control the moisture content


4. Cut scallion leaves and chopped scallions for later use


5. Add salt to the garlic cloves and mash them into garlic paste using a garlic mortar


6. Mix garlic paste with soy sauce, vinegar, and a little white sugar to make a sauce


7. Pour it onto the cooled eggplant strips


8. Put 1 spoonful of chopped peppers on top, sprinkle with scallion leaves


9. Put a little peanut oil in a hot pot, heat it to 70-80% heat, and pour it over the eggplant strips


10. Finally, add a few drops of sesame oil and mix well when eating



Eggplant skin contains anthocyanins and does not need to be peeled. Crushing garlic cloves into garlic paste in a garlic mortar is more delicious. If you want to *, you don't need to pour oil, just add a few drops of sesame oil.

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