The recipe for steamed chicken cake with meat

xiaozuo reading:164 2024-03-26 15:32:07 comment:0

The recipe for steamed chicken cake with meat

Health benefits

Jiang: Reduce nausea and vomiting, dissolve phlegm and cough, dispel cold and relieve external symptoms

Huangjiu: dispelling blood stasis and reducing swelling

Eggs: Protect the eyes and brighten the eyes


Fresh meat 150g

Pickled cabbage 40g

Garlic 5g

Ginger 2g

Sesame oil 5g

5g of cornstarch

Huangjiu 5g

3g of light soy sauce

Salt 1g

Pepper powder 2g

Sichuan pepper oil 1g

Chicken essence 1g

1 egg

The recipe for steamed chicken cake with meat

1. Ground meat filling


2. Ingredients


3. Cut chopped scallions, ginger, garlic, and pickled vegetables.


4. Add salt, yellow wine, sesame oil, pepper, chicken essence, and cornstarch to the meat filling, and mix well.


5. Mix well with scallions, ginger, garlic, and pickled vegetables


6. Meat spreading


7. Beat an egg on the noodles


8.Steam in a pot for about 12 minutes


9. Take out the pot


10. Finished products



I specially added pickled vegetables to the meat, which has a different flavor. If you want the meat to be more tender and smooth, you can add a chicken protein.

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