The recipe for glutinous rice and jujube

xiaozuo reading:168 2024-02-23 11:05:16 comment:0

The recipe for glutinous rice and jujube


20 jujubes

Glutinous rice flour 50g

Water 40-45 grams

The recipe for glutinous rice and jujube

1. Wash and remove the pits from the big dates, and try to choose a Hetian date with even and thick flesh.


2. Dried jujube


3. Put glutinous rice flour into a bowl, pour water and stir with chopsticks


4. Live dough


5. Take 2-3 grams of dough, knead it into a jujube kernel shape, with a thick center and pointed ends


6. Put it into the jujube and gently pinch it with your hand to let the glutinous rice stick to the jujube


7. Prepare all glutinous rice and dates


8. Bring to a boil in a steamer with water, add dates, and steam for 15 minutes before serving


9.A plate of soft and sweet glutinous rice dates is ready!



The date I bought is particularly sweet, so I didn't add any seasoning. If you like something sweeter, you can pour a little honey on it after cooking.

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