Recipe for Braised Beef Noodles

xiaozuo reading:97 2024-03-29 16:31:27 comment:0

Recipe for Braised Beef Noodles

Health benefits

Beef: tonifying the spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, and nourishing qi and blood

White Radish: Promoting Blood Circulation and Resolving Stasis

Rock sugar: invigorating the spleen


One pound of beef

A white radish

4 small spoons of salt

A small pinch of Sichuan pepper

Six dried red peppers

Octagonal three

Cut two scallions, ginger, and garlic into sections; Ginger 3 slices; Garlic, six cloves.

Two tablespoons of braised soy sauce

Cilantro, half a liang, half a tomato, used as a side dish

A piece of rock sugar

Cinnamon two sections

Recipe for Braised Beef Noodles

1. Cut evenly into appropriate sized pieces.


2. Blanch in hot water to remove foam, and make sure to start removing foam before the water boils.


3. Blanch the meat and set aside.


4. Prepare auxiliary materials for backup, star anise, three pieces; Sichuan pepper, a small pinch; Two pieces of cinnamon; Two fragrant leaves; Red pepper, 6 pieces, of which 3 pieces are shredded; Ginger 3 slices; 6 cloves of garlic;


5. Heat the wok with cold oil and add other ingredients except for scallions. After stir frying, add rock sugar.


6. After the rock sugar melts, add the cut beef pieces, stir fry and color, add two tablespoons of braised soy sauce, stir fry, and sprinkle with scallions.


7. Add boiling water to 2/3 of the pot, try to add as much water as possible. After boiling, cover the pot and simmer over low heat for half an hour.


8.To reduce the stewing time and ensure that the beef is stewed soft as soon as possible, you can switch to a pressure cooker and simmer again for 40 minutes. Pay attention to adding appropriate salt when switching to a pressure cooker.


9. Prepare side dishes such as coriander and tomatoes.


10. After stewing the braised beef, add the noodles, put them in a bowl, pour the sauce, and add the side dishes. A bowl of fragrant and delicious braised beef noodles is ready!



The above method is suitable for four people to eat. In my opinion, when making braised beef noodles, there must be a lot of broth for stewing beef, so as to ensure that the meat soup is abundant and the taste is more fragrant and strong!

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