The recipe for stewing beef with tomatoes

xiaozuo reading:111 2024-03-30 12:29:42 comment:0

The recipe for stewing beef with tomatoes

Health benefits

Beef: tonifying the spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, and nourishing qi and blood

Tomatoes: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


500g beef

1 tomato

A little oil

A little cooking wine

Appropriate amount of spices such as fragrant leaves

The recipe for stewing beef with tomatoes

1. Beef as the main ingredient, rinse with cold water and let it dry slightly;


2. Cut the beef into evenly sized chunks and prepare an appropriate amount of spices;


3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot;


4. Heat up the oil and add spices and ginger. Stir fry until fragrant, then pour in the cut beef pieces, followed by a small amount of cooking wine and an appropriate amount of salt;


5. After stir frying the beef chunks, pour them into an electric pressure cooker, add half a bowl of water, and simmer for 30 minutes;


6. Peel and dice the tomatoes, pour them into a pot, and stir fry them into a paste. Considering that children should not eat too greasy, I did not add oil when stir frying the tomato juice.


7. Pour the pressed beef cubes into the stir fried tomato juice, add a little salt, and heat up to drain



If it's for adults, I think we should still choose beef brisket. I usually cook tomato stewed beef brisket in the same way in the first four steps. In the fifth step, I stew the tomato and beef together to make it more flavorful.

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