Preparation of Crucian Carp Head Tofu Soup

xiaozuo reading:95 2024-03-31 17:33:39 comment:0

Preparation of Crucian Carp Head Tofu Soup

Health benefits

Tofu: Clearing heat and reducing fire

Coriander: nourishing the liver

Jiang: Reduce nausea and vomiting, dissolve phlegm and cough, dispel cold and relieve external symptoms


1 crucian carp head

Tofu 300g

Two tender scallions

1 coriander root


15 goji berries

A small amount of oil

Moderate amount of salt

1 tablespoon cooking wine

A little sesame oil

Preparation of Crucian Carp Head Tofu Soup

1. Wash the fresh crucian carp head with blood and water, and marinate with seasoning wine for 15 minutes to remove any fishy smell.


2. Cut a few slices of fresh ginger, cut the green onion into sections, and knot the green onion leaves.


3. Pour a small amount of oil into a hot pot, then fry the fish head on both sides for 30 seconds.


4. Add scallions and ginger slices and stir fry until fragrant.


5. Pour an appropriate amount of boiling water into the pot, covering the fish head. (My home is a flat pot, and the water doesn't cover the fish head.) Add green onions and cooking wine and simmer for ten minutes.


6. Rinse the tofu with water and cut it into rectangular pieces.


7. Add tofu and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.


8. Add salt and goji berries, drizzle with a little sesame oil, stir well and take out of the pot.


9. Put it into a soup bowl and garnish with a little coriander.



1. Fish soup is very fresh, there is no need to add chicken essence and monosodium glutamate.

2. Fish is a cold food, it is recommended to add more ginger.

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