The preparation of Chinese toon tofu meat patty

xiaozuo reading:109 2024-04-01 10:30:18 comment:0

The preparation of Chinese toon tofu meat patty

Health benefits

Toona sinensis: dispelling wind

Tofu: Nourishing Tofu

Eggs: Moisturizing and drying


50 grams of Chinese toon

120 grams of tofu

100g pork filling

Two eggs

An appropriate amount of chopped scallions and ginger

Half a spoonful of pepper powder

A small spoonful of light soy sauce

A small spoonful of salt

A small spoonful of sesame oil

Moderate amount of edible oil

The preparation of Chinese toon tofu meat patty

1. Blanch the Chinese toon sprouts too cold, squeeze out the water, cut them into fine pieces, and remove the roots


2. Put the meat filling in a large bowl, add chopped scallions and ginger, soy sauce, salt, pepper, sesame oil, and mix well


3. Put tofu in a food plastic bag and press it into mud with your hands


4. Put the tofu paste and chopped Chinese toon into a meat bowl and stir well


5. Beat in two eggs


6. Stir until a paste is formed


7. In a flat bottomed pan, add an appropriate amount of oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Spoon a spoonful of Chinese toon tofu meat into the pan and gently flatten it with a spoon. You can use an egg frying mold or not. If using a mold, remember to apply oil around the mold first, then add Chinese toon tofu meat paste and fry for a while. Flip the pan over and continue frying over low heat until both sides turn golden, and then the pan is ready.


8. Beautiful, and the taste is also beautiful



Fry over low heat, wait for the cake to solidify and then flip over to fry.

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