How to make spicy potato chicken chunks

xiaozuo reading:321 2024-02-20 17:43:32 comment:0


Crafted stew

Flavor fragrant and spicy

Time 30 minutes

Difficulty level at junior high school level

Main materials

1 chicken leg


A suitable amount of small potatoes, edible oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, scallions, ginger, three slices of garlic, three cloves of large seasoning, two cloves of Sichuan peppercorns, 10 capsules of soy sauce, some Pixian spicy sauce, an appropriate amount of small red chili peppers, 8 pieces of cooking wine, an appropriate amount

The recipe for spicy chicken chunks and potatoes

1. Wash the chicken legs thoroughly and set aside for later use


2. Peel and wash the small potato, soak it in clean water for a while (this small potato is as small as a walnut)


3. Put more oil in the pot and fry the small potatoes until they turn light yellow


4. Fry the small potatoes in oil for later use


5. Chop the chicken legs into small pieces


6. Bottom oil of the pot, add chili sauce and stir fry until red oil is produced. Add seasoning, Sichuan pepper, scallions, ginger, garlic, and continue to stir fry until fragrant. Add small red chili peppers


7. Add chicken legs and continue to stir fry


8. Stir fry until the chicken shrinks and turns white


9. Add cooking wine and soy sauce


10. A little white sugar


11. Salt, monosodium glutamate, water


12. Add potatoes and simmer over high heat until cooked


13. Harvest juice over high heat after ripening


14. Plate installation


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