The recipe for shiitake mushrooms and vegetables

xiaozuo reading:78 2024-04-30 12:28:22 comment:0

The recipe for shiitake mushrooms and vegetables

Health benefits

White sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis


Shanghai Qing 400g

Fresh shiitake mushrooms 300g

Garlic 15g

Moderate amount of salt

A little white sugar

Oyster sauce in moderation

Moderate amount of chicken essence

1 large bowl of cold boiled water

The recipe for shiitake mushrooms and vegetables

1. Group photo of ingredients


2. First, cut off the old part of Shanghai green, clean it thoroughly, put it in a basin, soak it in a spoonful of salt for 30 minutes, soak it, rinse it thoroughly, drain the water, and let it go. Peel and wash the garlic, cut it into minced garlic.


3. Cut off the roots of the shiitake mushrooms, clean them thoroughly, cut them into slices, and put them on a plate for later use.


4. Put a large bowl of water into the pot and bring to a boil. Add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of oil, and a little white sugar, mix well, and add Shanghai green until cooked.


5. Prepare a large bowl of cold water in advance and put the cooked Shanghai greens into the cold water to cool down


6. Put the excessively cold Shanghai greens into the plate.


7. Put an appropriate amount of oil into a hot pot, cook until 80% hot, and add minced garlic until fragrant.


8. Put in the shiitake mushrooms and stir fry for a while. Add an appropriate amount of salt and oyster sauce and stir fry evenly. Pour in an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 5 minutes. After simmering, add an appropriate amount of chicken essence and stir fry evenly to remove from the pot.


9. Put the stir fried shiitake mushrooms into a plate filled with Shanghai green vegetables. The delicious shiitake mushrooms and vegetables are ready and delicious.



1. Washing vegetables thoroughly and soaking them in salt water can remove pesticide residues and cabbage worms.

2. Shanghai green hot pot cooked, put it in cold water to cool down, this can keep it green.

3. When stir frying shiitake mushrooms, add some oyster sauce for a fresher taste.

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