Preparation of Carrots, Red Dates, and Rice Paste

xiaozuo reading:73 2024-05-10 08:28:47 comment:0

Preparation of Carrots, Red Dates, and Rice Paste

Health benefits

Carrots: Nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes

Red dates: tonifying the spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and blood


Carrot section

A cup of rice

Eight red dates

Recipe for Carrots, Red Dates, and Rice Paste (Baby Food)

1. Prepare the required ingredients


2. Clean the rice thoroughly


3. Soak red dates in water


4. Peel and slice carrots, plate carrots and red dates in a steamer


5. Pour the washed rice into the stewing cup and add an appropriate amount of water


6. Put the stew pot into the pot and cover it with a lid


7. Place the steamer with carrots and red dates on top


8. Press the cooking button for two hours


9. Take out the red dates halfway and peel and pit them while they are hot for later use


10. Put all the cooked ingredients into a cooking cup


11. Stir for delicacy


12. The rice paste suitable for the elderly and children is ready



Red dates have a sweet taste, so be sure to add them in small amounts and observe if they will cause allergies. After the baby gradually adapts, gradually increase the amount of red dates, but make sure that the mixed taste is not very sweet. The outer skin of red dates is very difficult to digest, almost eaten and pulled out, and it is not recommended to add it before the age of two. When adding complementary foods to babies, it is important to ensure delicacy. It is best to stir with a complementary food machine, or at least use a grinding bowl to make it more delicate and easy to digest. Vitamin C can increase the absorption rate of iron by 5-10 times, so it is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamin C when supplementing iron. Adding complementary foods to babies should be done in a regular manner, from rare to thick, from few to many, and from the same to diverse.

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